Shakespeare: The Evidence


On Tuesday 26th November 2013, I’ll be releasing the first chunk of Shakespeare: The Evidence, the first book on the Shakespeare authorship question to gather together all the evidence, arguments and counter-arguments for and against Shakespeare’s authorship.  It will be in the form of a (searchable, hyperlinked) e-book, available in all e-book formats, and published in instalments via the Leanpub platform (motto: Publish Early, Publish Often).

It will build month on month to become a comprehensive compendium of all the relevant evidence and arguments used by both sides, allowing those already involved in the debate to better understand and answer their opponents, to tell weak arguments from strong ones, and to have a huge amount of complex information at their fingertips.  It will be both searchable and hyperlinked, with (at the current count) five appendices supplying source texts.    I hope it will be of interest not just those already involved in the Question, but of those who would like to understand better exactly why Shakespeare’s authorship of the works attributed to him has been challenged openly for over 150 years.

This project is generously supported by the Shakespearean Authorship Trust, and 50% of all royalties will be donated to them.


One thought on “Shakespeare: The Evidence

  • July 24, 2017 at 4:38 am

    Dear Ros,

    I have watched videos and presentations you’ve given and enjoyed them.
    Since you are someone who likes mystery, here is a link to a short video
    about a discovery I made in the Sonnets. I’ll tell you here briefly.

    In my 3rd sonnet, written as a fantasy, I tell my Beloved that if Shakespeare had
    written the Sonnets to her, it would end up being a tragedy and hide her own legend. 
    But if I wrote her verse instead, it would be eternal verse and reverse her lost legend.
    My sonnet is unique as I rake Shakespeare and his art over the coals.
    I love the Bard, of course. It kind of took on a life of its own.

    Later that fall, I made a discovery involving the last line of this quatrain
    from my 5th sonnet:

    For in a vineyard time hath aged his hand,
    Singing soft his soul’s denomination,
    Holding the store key to thy soul’s false band,
    Unsealing the art of his oblation.

    I found this in Shakespeare, with my line below:

    And take thou my oblation, poor but free,
                 Which. . . knows no art 

    Unsealing the art of his oblation

    In Shakespeare’s 125th sonnet appears the verbatim inversion
    of my oblation line.  By its inversion, Shakespeare’s
    oblation captures exactly as I depict him in my third sonnet where
    I rake his art over the coals.  He finishes:

    A true soul,
    When most impeached, stands least in thy control.

    I would hope that’s enough to interest you to take some time and watch
    my presentation as I lay it all out. The link is below and you can also find it
    by typing “A Shakespearean Discovery” in the YouTube search.

    Thank you,
    Ryan Rouzer


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