Hotting Up


Many exciting things are happening around The Marlowe Papers.  If you’re already on The Marlowe Papers mailing list you’ll know about most of them already, but if not, here’s a round up.

The London launch event is on Tuesday 29 May at the British Library.  The fabulous Will Self and Dr Bill Leahy will be joining me to discuss the book and the wider issues of Shakespeare, authorship and identity.  This is a public event, anyone can book a ticket, so do grab yours now if you’d like to coming along.  More here.

I’m typing this from a farmhouse in Norfolk waiting with bated breath for The Marlowe Papers to be reviewed on BBC Radio 4’s Saturday Review.  I’m a little nervous, especially given that I’m here with 15 members of my family who are insisting I listen to it with then, gathered round the wireless, rather than driving off on my own to listen to it in the car at the end of a country lane.   Added later:  very favourable, and a lively discussion. If you missed it live, you can listen to a recording of this programme via this link (13 mins in).

I’m going up to Salford next week in order to appear on Radio 3’s The Verb. One of the other confirmed guests is musical hero of my childhood, Gary Numan.  The programme will be broadcast on Friday 18 May at 10pm.  Listen to it live here or on BBC iPlayer for seven days afterwards here.

Critical response is one (nerve-wracking) thing, but reader response means a great deal to me.  I’ve been very heartened by reviews recently posted on the New Books Magazine website.   That something so dear to my heart for so long is now being treasured by others is a wonderful feeling.

Various literary festival appearances are in the pipeline and I’ll more details as soon as I have a moment.  They can be located easily by clicking the ‘Events’ tab below, or on the red dates on the calendar in the sidebar.   If you want more timely notification, do join the mailing list (click on the link, top right).

Finally, thank you everyone who has contributed to the excitement by spreading the word to friends and family, and posting reviews.  Your enthusiasm makes me very happy.



One thought on “Hotting Up

  • July 13, 2012 at 12:46 pm

    Congratulations — your Marlowe novel is a first-rate read and an imaginative achievement worthy of the material it’s based on. I read Nicholl’s The Reckoning while in Amsterdam last year and actually began a sequence about Marlowe in the Low Countries, but now I needn’t bother! I hesitatingly picked your book from the new stock display in Huddersfield Library yesterday and am very glad I did. Thanks. DH.


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