Freeing the Poet’s Voice … and Body


I’ve just returned from an extraordinary week at Cove Park in Scotland.  Extraordinary in so many ways – not least for me the strangeness of living alone (instead of with six people I am partially or wholly responsible for).  Food preparation for one -what joy! Washing up for one – takes 2 minutes!  It is hard to express the bliss contained in such simple things for those already alone or with limited ‘duties’.

The tranquility on the Cove Park site, and in my accommodation, was extraordinary.  I spent long hours gazing at Loch Long and the mountains on the other side.   And many other hours reading or dozing, with the sliding doors ajar, gently immersed in the sound of birdsong.  I thought I might write there, start the new project (whatever it is), but once I was there I realised all I needed to do, between the workshops, was rest.

Ah yes, the workshops. Because this was no writing retreat. This was a twice-a-day voice coaching retreat with Kristin Linklater. Read more