Writing Retreat in France – Summer 2015


writing retreat

Writers: Escape to France!

Writing Retreat 28th June – 3rd July 2015

Come and spend a week with me in the Dordogne this summer on a fully-catered writing retreat. Each morning there will be workshops focusing on some of the key elements of good fiction.  Then we break for lunch, usually by the pool if the weather is good.  The afternoons are all yours: see me for an in-depth discussion of your works, take the chance to do some writing, swim in the private pool, go for a walk in the extensive grounds (with woodland and lakes), explore local villages, or a combination of all of the above.  No need to do any cooking; just kick back, relax, and get inspired. A real chance to focus on you and your writing for the week.

Every participant will get two one-to-one tutorials, with in-depth feedback on a short story, or a chapter of your novel-in-progress, or any other piece of writing you’d like to share.  Plus of course there’s a chance to chat over lunch and dinner, about writing, getting published, or anything else you’d like to talk to me about!

Four morning workshops:

The Process of Writing – Overcoming writers block, finding (and developing) inspiration.  With exercises to get you up and running and guidance on how to develop your ideas.

Starting from Character – How to invent and develop characters, effective characterisation, deriving plot from characters.  With characterisation exercises.

Effective Dialogue – The difference between dialogue and everyday speech, how, when and why to use dialogue.  With appropriate exercises.

Structure and Story Arc – How to structure and develop a story over the novel’s long-haul so that it engages the reader and makes your book unputdownable.

£600 fully catered, cheap flights available.

Book by 31 March 2015: http://www.manoirdegurson.co.uk/#!writing-workshop/c1zwg


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